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Top Tips For Dealing With Stress When Moving Home

Posted 2 November 2022 by Helen Christie

Bromford shares some top tips for dealing with stress when moving home…

Today is National Stress Awareness Day, and affordable new homes provider Bromford is sharing its top tips for reducing stress when moving home.

Catherine Jarrett, director of sales and marketing at Bromford, says: “Despite it being one of the most exciting milestones in a person’s life, moving home is also incredibly stressful. At Bromford, we aim to ensure the home moving journey is as enjoyable and hassle-free as possible, and our friendly teams are always on-hand to offer support and advice.

“This National Stress Awareness Day, we want to help new homeowners make the move to their brand-new home in a way that is as stress-free as possible, and hope that our top tips provide them with some helpful advice.”

Start early and make plans

To avoid feeling like you’re running out of time, start the home moving process early and take the time to carefully think through everything you need. Book a moving van as soon as you have a moving date, start packing away items you won’t use or need urgently, and keep track of deadlines for paperwork by setting reminders. 

Ask family or friends to help you move

Moving home is a lot for one person to manage, so enlist friends and family to help with packing and moving heavy items. Having someone with you to chat through the process can make everything feel a lot less overwhelming, and help you to stay sane.   

Prepare the essentials

Pack all your essential items into one bag, including important documents, medicine and toiletries, to make them easy to find during the chaos of moving.

To help cope with the emotional stress, pack a separate box of comfort items that can help you to quickly feel calm and settled once you’re in your new home. This may consist of favourite toys and blankets for children, or your favourite scented candle and mug.

Clear out unwanted clutter

Moving home is the perfect opportunity to declutter and sort through all your belongings. The last thing you’ll want to deal with when settling into a new home is having to unpack and sort through old junk, so take the time to dispose of unwanted items and only pack things you genuinely want and need. 

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

During particularly stressful times, it can be easy to slip into bad habits, such as opting for junk food and not getting enough sleep, which can make the stress worse. A healthy diet, rich in fruits, vegetables and wholegrains, is a great way to improve wellbeing, and short bursts of physical exercise are proven to boost your mood. A full night’s sleep will help you to recharge quickly, and provide you with enough energy to get through the busy days.


Bromford is providing a range of Shared Ownership and outright sale homes across the West Midlands. Shared Ownership gives those who do not currently own a property the chance to secure a new build home with Bromford. Homebuyers pay a mortgage on the share they own and pay rent on the remaining share, meaning a smaller deposit is required.

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