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Over the past 10 years we have helped thousands of students and professionals find their perfect home. Whether it’s for just one year or even five years, we’ve helped tenants from over 80 countries across the world.

Over this time we’ve grown into one of the biggest accommodation providers in the North. Our team has years of experience and we take pride being able to talk over 13 languages between us!

We have 57 properties of all sizes, across 6 major cities; Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield, York and London. And, of course, not forgetting the charming spa town of Harrogate!


We do things differently

Why over 2,000 students choose to live with us every year


Dedicated Chinese and Arabic consultants

As a team we can speak over 13 different languages


In-house maintenance team, ready whenever needed

We know our properties inside and out to make sure your stay is hassle free


State of the art facilities

Gyms, cinema rooms, games areas, study rooms, TV lounges, we like to think we have it all


Safety and security at the heart of what we do

CCTV, on-site security and secure fob entry


Over 2,000 properties to choose from

From studios to 8 bed properties, across 6 different cities, plenty of choice


Tenant events and experiences

From welcome parties to craft workshops, all on us

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